Paragraph Roleplaying

I like to try an Role play, but sumtimes the things people say just make me laugh..

[17:32] Male AVATAR ROLEPLAYING: reached into his pack of smokes to laugh  as he pulled one out and chuckled a bit  as he placed it between his lips and smirked at her. "Being 20 is complicated? No shit?" he winked and laughed a bit up his cigarette as he took a deep inhale and spoke as he exhaled. "It makes sense that your body still looks tight and all, that's all I'm saying..." he chuckled. "Enjoy it while it lasts, someday you'll have sagging skin and wrinkles and your puss.........anyway, you get the idea." he chuckled as he shrugged at her and looked around. "Well maybe you'll be ok getting coffee?"

[17:35] Female Avatar Roleplaying: gives a little chuckle, "Oh yeah.. I aint worried about gettin old. Hell my mom is in her I think mid 40s and there aint nothin saggin on her yet. I been blessed with good genes." She gives him a little wink, "Coffee, yeah sure I could go for that. I mean if yur askin me to join ya for coffee that is. Speakin of snakes.. hows yur pocket snake doin or did ya choke it to death?"

 [08:04] Female one: couldn't help but chuckles out low.. Her head shaking just lightly.. Didn't she
just summed his statement up with a single word ? Yip.. a charmer.. "Well lucky you that Lou's was full of beautiful ladies that day eh.. How was the date.. With that one chick.. That blond chick.. Ahh shit.. I forgot her name.." Rubbing the back of her neck as she was trying to get her memory straight but visibly fails.. Her head was throbbing anyways.. Fucking Hangover.. His eyes along her body was noticed but not really judged at all.. Hell, she wasn't ugly so.. Give that guy some eye candy.. As the blue haired Gal was crossing the street, she would chuckle.. Not because she recognizes her but because the girl was obviously a good damn smombie.. A smartphone addict ! "There's a wall you could run against Bitch, get your eyes on the street.." She calls over before she would shoot Lee an apologetic smile.. "sorry.. My Temper.." She grins.

[08:07] Male:  he chuckles "no need for apologies. There are two things society has lost as a whole. Common sense and manners. Neither could we afford to lose." he shakes his head at the mention of the date "It went like so many others have and just was not meant to be." he looks to hher ?care to join me for a cup of coffee? its my treat"
 [08:08] Female 2: she would hear the women speak,yup she would stop onto the side walk"why dont
you mind your own buisness" she said, her voice was soft but you can tell she was annoyed"and why your at it go get nutered, because well your a bitch in disguised" she stated, ok that did not sound right  when she spoke it as it did in her mind, she closed her phone as she stuck it back into her bra, she had a scar across her nose of course and so did her forhead had one, she had been wadling well shit she felt like a duck"or better yet, go climb on his dick because you seem all over him"

[08:13] Female one:  chuckles out dry at the comment about manners.. Fuck this Female One had
some manners.. she just didn't wanted to show them to anybody.. Good excuse ? No ? Well.. Her manners were depending on her mood.. And her mood was actually dropping right now.. She heard the invitation for coffee and wanted to respond as Female 2 once again thought it would be a good idea to talk.. Oh how Female One hates when they talk.. "Bitch in disguised eh.." She laughs out, shaking her head.. Sky blue eyes glancing along the familiar face.. She knows that girl somewhere.. And as Female 2 continued to talk.. suddenly the parts were puzzling together.. Not able to hold back anymore she starts to laugh out loud, holding her belly and gasping for air.. "Don't talk about dick.. Please.." She laughs, trying reaaaal hard to vocalize the words proper.- "You never saw me being all over over somebody.." Taking another deep breath as she tries to calm down.


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